The Forsaken — Psalm 22 Poem

The Forsaken is the second poem in a collection called A Winding Road. My primary inspiration for this poem was Psalms 22. Psalm 22 is one of the most iconic psalms. Notably, Jesus quotes the first verse when he is hanging on the cross. Jesus cries out as God turns from him and he bears the sins of the world. This is the clearest example of how our sin separates us from God. Even Jesus could not sense God’s presence when he took on the sins of mankind.
Our spiritual enemy knows where we are weak. Their favorite strategy to use against us is lies, because the devil is the father of lies. They cause us to doubt God‘s goodness and forgiveness. Since the satan cannot know the future, they will use our past failures to cripple us. We are powerless to stand against the attacks of the enemy on our own. We must rely on God to be our savior and protector.
The Forsaken
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me‽
I cry in the nighttime, and you are not there.
The sins of my past in my mind on repeat.
For I’m a worm who is caught in satan’s snare.
From days of my youth, you have called me to you.
Please do not leave me my shield and my help.
My heart is bedraggled, my disgrace on display,
all for the sake of pursuing your way.
My grieving heart aches for one to comfort me,
but here in the spiral, my friends are all gone.
Unfetter me from the corrupt Babylon.
My God, my God, come and set your servant free!
If you find yourself in despair under attack from the enemy, cry out to God, he will answer you. God promises he will never leave or forsake us. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). Through Jesus, we are made right with God. Our enemy is stronger than we are, but no one is mightier than our God, and he has overcome!