Twenty-Nine Years a Traveler


Our traveler has arrived in the City of Darkness. The pain and anguish overwhelmed them at first. But, having come to grips with what they’ve seen, they begin muted reflection. Twenty-nine years a traveler upon this winding road. Memories of love cherished, love yearned, and love lost.

I wrote this poem on my twenty-ninth birthday. Leaving my twenties and entering my thirties, I felt as if I stood on the edge of a new stage of life. I wanted to contemplate the love in my life and consider who I was. Like so many people, I had experienced love and lost love. In the wake of losing love, I saw the darkness inside me. I realized I needed healing through forgiveness. I would have to forgive myself, those who hurt me, and, hardest of all, accept God’s forgiveness.

Twenty-nine years a traveler

Twenty-nine years a traveler,
never a place to be a settler,
never a place to call a home,
never a place to call my own.

I have a love that’s true, a heart that’s kind,
but no companion to call mine.
I have so much love in my heart to give,
but I’m still learning to forgive.

I sit and wait behind these walls,
the Trojan Heart at my gate.
I do not fear my city will fall.
My heart grows stronger as I wait.

I wait with patient love that’s slow and steady,
and pray that soon our healing hearts be ready.


Something at the city gates interrupts our travelers’ reflection. The Trojan Heart. What, or who, could this be? Impatience often blossoms with love, but waiting possesses goodness. True love requires loyalty and trust. Sometimes loyalty and trust call for patience. There is an irony in our desire to rush into love. If our love is true, it will also be patient.


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