Woe to a Godless Nation — An Isaiah 6 Poem


Woe to a Godless Nation was a poem I wrote in 2022 for my church. We were doing a sermon series on Isaiah 6. Our pastor wanted a creative response to go with each message. They asked me to write a poem in response to Isaiah 6:5 – 6, which say:

And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar.

Isaiah 6:5

I took additional inspiration from throughout scripture, highlighting God’s righteous judgement.

Woe to a Godless Nation

Woe to us a church in a godless nation.
We have watered down the message of salvation.
We are a people of unclean lips
who have allowed wolves to enter our midst.

Our lamps do not burn dimly because the oil has run out,
but our lamps burn dimly for, we have thrown the oil out.

In our classrooms, we provoke God to his face.
In our streets, we parade our sins like Sodom.
Like a whore, we welcome them in our embrace.
To the evils of this world, we have become numb.

The things which are wrong, we say, are right;
The things which are dark, we say, are light;
The things which are sweet, we say, are bitter;
and in His refining fire, we shall whither.

Marah! We have become but lukewarm;
to the patterns of this world, we have conformed.
By the power of God, we must be transformed.

Take heart and do not despair.
Listen to the words that Jesus declares:
“Open the door, I will come in,
and we will share a meal together as friends.”

Final Thoughts

Anxiety gripped me as I worried about people’s reaction to the poem. I did not intend to point the finger at or discourage believers. But to encourage Christians reminding them that despite the evil in the Church, God’s justice will prevail. I hoped to make this clear by ending the with the words of Jesus. To my relief, my church positively received the poem. People understood its message and longed for the same holiness.

If you are looking for more biblically inspired poetry, checkout the poetry section.


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